Listen, Download, Share...

Thomas Wright Ministries - Shoreline East is a homeless outreach ministry based in downtown Austin, TX.

Feel free to listen to any service by clicking on the link within each individual post.

If you want to skip to a particular part of service, DOWNLOAD the file and open it with whatever program you use to listen to music.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Please pardon the technical difficulties.

I was hit with a double whammy.  My work computer has some issues that need to be dealt with, as well as the studio it resides in.  Mold from a leaky A/C have temporarily railroaded us as well as a missing Windows '97 disc.
I have them all recorded, just waiting for processing.  If you're the kind of person that likes to listen to homeless outreach ministry services for 12 hours at a time, this is your new interweb home!
There's some good stuff waiting for you.
Today we washed feet.