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Thomas Wright Ministries - Shoreline East is a homeless outreach ministry based in downtown Austin, TX.

Feel free to listen to any service by clicking on the link within each individual post.

If you want to skip to a particular part of service, DOWNLOAD the file and open it with whatever program you use to listen to music.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

December 3rd, 2016 - Pastor Thomas with Dallas & Henry in "The Garage."

Maybe we can talk Spotify into leaving the SxSW renovations in "The Garage" this year.  They fix it up beyond recognition for the festival, but it's amazing how much it returns to a dilapidated garage with non-functioning restrooms and an even less functioning roof.  Spotify, if you see this, that would be a wonderfully appreciated tax write-off.  I will say this, the sound of rain only lends additional power to this message to the homeless from a homeless ministry.

TWM 2016 12 03 - Pastor Thomas with Dallas & Henry (Worship).mp3
(click here to listen/download this file of the entire service)

TWM - 2016 12 03 - Worship with Dallas & Henry.mp3
(click here to listen/download JUST the music portion of service)